“We are in the Synod”


Dioceseof San Pablo

February 24, 2024

The Diocese of San Pablo ventures in thesecond phase of synod on synodality. The lay and clergy responded prayerfullyand shared their synodal experiences through spiritual conversation. Manyinitiatives have been present in the parishes and new ones are taking place.The participants appreciated the value of inclusion in the Church- thateveryone is included, that everyone is important in this journeying together.There are convergences and divergences in the aspect of formation, missionarydiscipleship, inclusivity & hospitality, accountability & transparency,and prayer and worship. However, there is a great challenge to have deeperawareness to care for the “common home” and to become a “green Church”

These five key points are dominant in theresponses. Formation of the mind and heart is needed to become a Synodal Churchthat accepts and welcome everyone in the spirit of inclusivity and hospitality,and in order to become authentic witnesses as missionary disciples throughmeaningful prayer & worship and embracing the value of accountability andtransparency.


The responses, both of lay and clergy,show the importance of the authentic formation which is the Formation of theHeart – having relationship with God through catechism, and the Formation ofthe Mind – knowing about Church teachings, through initial and on-gotingevangelization. It showcases, the value of training of facilitators,catechists, and evangelizers to have a genuine conversion and become mature andresponsible members of the parish and diocese.



The Responses, both of lay and clergy,converge on having a wider involvement of new members of the parish, and toenhance the commitment to serve for Parish workers. Making this to happen, bothlay and clergy, see the importance of having a welcoming attitude to all peoplewith different status in life, different orientation, and different ideas orbeliefs without compromising faith and morals. However, they see the lack ofcommunication, the spiritual conversation to have a communal discernment for properunderstanding of one another, and to initiate unity and camaraderie for ahealthy relationship with one another.



The responses of clergy and lay reveal thevalue of having relationship with Jesus in order to be witnesses to othersthrough their presence, concern, solidarity, and by sharing of their faithexperiences. In so doing, they become bridge-builder and not wall-maker.However, the lay people feel the absence of their pastors in reaching-out thosein the peripheries



The responses of clergy and lay show theconvergences of having a Diocesan pastoral plan for unified direction andmission which is appropriate and relevant to their parish. This will happen ifthere is a recognition and collaboration of different charisms and vocationsempowering them in their participation in decision making and in helping andbuilding the parish. They must seek the importance of servant hood andstewardship, as they participate in the governance of the parish. However,parish governance is impeded or prevented by lack of consultation of the lay,entitlement, not valuing terms of office, and seniority among the clergy.



The responses of lay and clergyappreciates the value of relevant and effective prayer and worship, especiallyin the liturgical celebrations. In order to make this prayer and worshipacceptable and affordable to all. They should be close to the heart of thepeople. Street and chapel masses, block rosary, dawn procession, kasalan bayan, kumpisalan bayan, binyagan bayan and pilgrimages, manifest theeffort of the parish to bring prayer and worship to the people especially thosein the peripheries


Training of synodal facilitators tofacilitate in the process of spiritual conversation for communal discernment inthe seminary, in the parish, and in the diocese, to have a deeper understandingand acceptance of the culture of inclusion and missionary discipleship.

The crafting of diocesan plan fordirection, collaboration, and continuity of programs, especially for theexcluded marginalized, in the peripheries, and for the awareness of theimportance of environment through consultation of the people of God.

To develop a program of having astewardship way of life in the spirit of accountability and transparency.